Friday, September 16, 2011

My New Path

So the juicing was an amazing experience. I lost quite a bit of weight in a short time. However, that was not the biggest benefit. My eyes were opened to a whole new way to nourish myself. I was feeding myself poison. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is poisonous. I knew on an intellectual level because I am a food documentary junkie. However, after watching "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" as well as "Forks over Knives" my eyes were opened. There is something to this plant-based diet. There were so many misconceptions I had about needing milk to be healthy, needing protein from meat to be healthy...all these were lies. There are NFL, MBA & MMA athletes who are complete vegans. People are not only curing themsselves from diseases but are living very happy healthy lives.

What made me really understand it was that after juicing and feeling great from the increased energy and beginning to be more happy, I went on vacation. We took a cruise and there were minimal options for healthy eating. The whole time I felt sluggish, unattractive, sad and tired. I have basically felt this way since vacation. I have been traveling for work so I decided to get back on track after our travels. It has directly affected my mood, my energy, my libido...everything. I can't wait to get home so I can begin juicing again. Really, I can't wait to stop putting these toxins into my body. I can feel their affect.

If healthy doesn't get "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone. This is what has made me decide to not only juice, but to become a vegan. I know. I never thought I would say that but we vote with our pocket books. We are being fed angry meat. No wonder we have issues. No wonder our kids have ADD and are obese. It's in their SAD diet. I would consider occasional meat if I know the farm where the animals are raised and know 1st hand that they use decent methods for putting the animals down. Until then, I have grown to really like soy sausage, beans and grains. I love veggies & fruit already. Raw kale is amazing. My new staple.

I will be adding meditation and exercise to my regular agenda because being Kind is not just about how we eat, but how we treat ourselves. I have treated myself poorly.

I will share my journey. Stay tuned..... Pics will come soon.

1 comment:

  1. How inspirational. I am also into food documentaries. It is amazing how the food industry's transition from small family farms to large financially focused conglomerates have affected the food qualiy and not just the quantity in the US.
